Sunday 12 January 2014


Our dear Charlotte never shies away from difficult topics. She would not want her friends to tiptoe around on this one. She announced her terminal cancer diagnosis and then moved forward living each day in its turn. She told me she’d deal with it when she had to. Now, she is in her last days.

As much as we all would like to do something or say something to change the inevitable I am reminded of the advice Charlotte gives most often and we all need most now: “breathe.”

And then, we all know, she would laugh at all the drama and scold the dogs for barking.

With Charlotte’s family in my heart and thoughts today,



  1. As she and they are in mine as well...

  2. And mine too...

  3. I am write now writing about throwing starfish and thinking of Charlotte.

  4. All I can say is blessings and love and thank you, Charlotte.

  5. Sandra White12 January, 2014

    Sending love and blessing to you dearest Charlotte xx

  6. Thank you, Laura. Thinking of Charlotte with love and a smile.

  7. Thank you, Laura.

    Thinking of you, Charlotte, with lots of love and memories of the times I've laughed out loud at your banter on aroundthedinnertable. Bless you, Charlotte. xoxoxoxoxo

  8. Thank you so much for the post Laura. One of the first things I do in the morning is check the blog for any sad this time, but a welcome update. I have been an avid reader/stalker of the blog and feel, like many others, that Charlotte has touched my life. She and her family are very much in my thoughts xxx

  9. I've just heard from Georgie that sadly Charlotte passed away this morning, I know all your love and prayers will be flooding to Sufolk right now
    (Georgie's Godfather)

  10. Bridget Whitlow13 January, 2014

    My thoughts and condolences are with Charlotte's family. Thank you Charlotte for contributing so much positive support and resources to all of those touched by eating disorders.
